Thursday 6 May 2010


This is the first time the two characters notice each other the exchange of glances between them shows that there is somethign there from the begining, in this image it shows the girl looking at the boy.

This is the second time they notice each other this time it is more meaningful and in depth as they make direct eye contact as they walk past each other. it is clear to see that there is some chemistry between these two characters.

The boy looks back wanting to see the girl more, this show that he may have devoloped some feelings for her.

The girl also looks back wanting to see the boy more, agian this shows that she could have devoloped feelings from him as well.

We watch from a high angle as the boy approaches the girl and sits on the table next to her, to make the first move. having this shot from a high angle allows the audience to see things from a different view and prespective.

This is the first time the two characters speak, by having a mid shot of this it allows the audience to see hteir facial expressions ( the girl is smiling) and also allows you to notice their body language, as the girls body language changes as the conversation goes on.

The boy and girl get on very well and end up getting up and leaving together, as we are on a higher surface than the characters we can follow them as they walk on in to the distant to show the start of their proper relationship.

Long shot of whole band to see them performing as a group also to show off the location. We used the shots of the band in black and white so that it helps divide up the narrative from the perfomance, as the band are also old it is typical to use black and white, and as the narrative invloves youger characters its typical to have them in colour.

Close up of the drummer to emphasise key drumming sounds in the song.

Shot from a different angle focusing on the drummer and guitarist.

Close up shot of guitar its an interesting shot to watch as you are on the same level as the guitar is.

Mid shot of the other two members of the band (shows off their costume)

Shot of band without any filters we can see the colour of their clothing, their lighting , the locations.

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