Thursday 6 May 2010


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I believe that are video does follow the conventions of real media products as when hearing the song you would definitely expect to see a narrative in the video however as having narrative the whole way through could get a little boring and the same with having performance all throughout the video, we decided to put the best of both in and mixed are video with narrative and performance.

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When making are promotion package we needed to have something that linked with all 3 pieces so it looks like part of a promotional package and not just 3 different separate things. Are main target was to appeal to a variety of audience we wanted to appeal to both the older generation and the younger generation e.g. in our music video the song and the band were both old however we used young characters fort the narrative to attract a young audience as well, also for the cd cover we used a piece of graffiti which consisted of a guitar and a cup of tea the cover looked rather animated kind of like something you would expect to see in a comic book so again applying to a younger audience. Furthermore we used the same image for are magazine advert and placed some quotes to add effect one of the quotes read “still some life left in these old timers” this shows that even though they are old they are still young at heart. We represented the band as happy, cheerful people that just want to have fun, the cd cover is in bright jolly colours to represent the band as bright and jolly people and the same with the magazine advert.

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I would say are typical audience for our package are either over 30’s or under 20’s as because the song was released in the 1980’s it is more likely that people over the age of 30 will be more familiar with the song as they were listening to it when it was first released. Another reason is that the band are rather old therefore automatically appeal to an older audience however we wanted them to attract a younger audience as well so we had to make are pop promo, cd cover and magazine advert to attract a younger audience. we achieved this by using younger actors in the narrative so it would attract a younger audience. We made the narrative easy to understand and used a range of shots and scenes so the video wouldn’t get dull and to prevent the audience loosing satisfaction.

When showing are pop promo to the class everyone said they liked it some of the good points they made were that the two characters had strong chemistry between them which made it seem realistic. However some of the negative feedback was that it was difficult to tell who the lead singer of the band was and the band could have been more enthusiastic. The class really liked the use of narrative and performance they said that it makes the video more interesting they also enjoyed the narrative they think the story builds up the relationship between the two characters well and the story also matches the song but it doesn’t match the lyrics at all times which is even better. The class really liked the shot of the two characters looking at each other when they walk past and they also loved the slow motion effect when they look back at each other they said it really worked well and shows the chemistry between them. Furthermore they think having the band in black and white looked excellent, made it more interesting and divided the video up very well.

They said that the location suited the video and the costumes matched the description of the characters in the song and that the switch between narrative and performance was perfectly timed, it switched just before the class would lose interest.However they expressed that some of the cinematography were not very good and looked a bit amateurish at points, in addition they also said that there should of been more use of close ups in the video which would have made it more interesting. Overall they stated that this was a good promotional package and it also suited the bands target audience very well, they also believed it appealed to both younger and older people this was our main target so I was particularly pleased with this.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
At the beginning of this project I had no ideas at all on what to put or how to make a promotional package, however by using various media technologies I was able to do this, firstly I used YouTube to watch an assortment of music videos including Journeys previous music videos so that I could find sum inspiration and to help me develop my ideas. Moreover I used Google images to research other artists and bands cd covers and magazine adverts. For the planning stage I used blogger to present my findings research and planning I also used Photoshop for the first time to produce ideas for are cd cover I found that this programme majorly helped me with my task. When filming we used a CANON HV30 DV Camcorder on a VELBON DV-7000 tripod we did not need to use a microphone as we were not recording sound. Finally to edit are footage we used Adobe Premier Pro and for our cd covers n magazine advert Adobe Photoshop CS4.

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