Monday 28 December 2009


Journey- faithfully

This video starts off with the band on a coach travelling to one of their tours/ concerts, we see the coach driving on the road from different camera angles and then we see the band sleeping on a couch inside the coach. Then as the video progresses we see the band on stage performing the song to thousands of people, it also cuts to some scenes of the band messing about backstage in between their performance. I think this video is pretty simple and probably would have been relatively cheap to produce, I would say it is performance based video.

Journey- separate ways

This video is set in one place throughout the promo, the location is outside a garage. It starts off with the band pretending to play their instruments however there is nothing in there hands, then the instruments just appear in their hand, there is a also a young attractive women who walks past the band I believe that this is to apply a sexual gaze men. There are various different shots of the band and the women, there is one shot in particular which I liked it was a shot of the 4 band members all in a line but one was each one was a bit further back than the other it was a bizarre shot but also very interesting. This video is also performance based.

Journey- anyway you want it

The video starts off with a jukebox with all journey songs on it and you see a finger select the song which they are singing and that’s when the song starts I think this is very appealing way to start off the video. Afterwards the rest of the video just involved the band performing on the stage. So it’s another simple and probably cheap video for journey and again it is performance based.


Sunday 22 November 2009


Analysis of album cover

The band who’s promotional package I will be analysing are JLS.

This is the bands first album and has only just been released recently.
Their album cover is pretty plain and simple and just consists of an image that many other bands have used before where all the band members faces are just lined up side by side. The whole of it is in black and white accept the bands name which is in white and below are four lines in different colours representing each band members favourite colour. The band are all dressed in black and white is well which matches the colour scheme. There is nothing else on the album cover the background is just plain black and white. Although this is a very common and plain album cover I still think it is ok as it is only their first album so having the bands faces on isn’t a bad idea so then people will be familiar with who they are and then maybe in their next album they can do something different and more unique. I think another reason they have shown their faces is for the female audience to create a sexual gaze.
Press story for album release
Published Date:
10 November 2009
By Nick Reinis
On Monday, the X Factor runners-up released their debut self-titled album online and in music stores across the country.

The 13-track album features nine songs the popular four-piece band wrote themselves and is being tipped for the top by many music experts.

However, the double MOBO award winners are up against stiff competition in the shape of former Take That star Robbie Williams, in the battle to be top of the album chart on Sunday night.

Analysis of album advert

Boy band JLS is seen performing parts of their songs and dancing against a background of coloured streaks, it has individual shots of each artist in the band and then a shot of the whole band, as the narrator introduces their debut album. The album cover is displayed on screen as the narrator concludes that it is out Monday.

Analysis of pop promo of one of their singles from the album

The music video I will be analysing is by JLS and the song is called ‘Everybody in love’ the genre of the music is R&B.
The video is set in a big room with a stage and a balcony with people looking down at the band performing and then there are individual shots of each member with a girl is well. The band are just dressed in casual clothing and there lighting is very good as it is also day time so not much light is needed.
The cinematography in this video is really good and interesting to watch as there camera is pretty much moving through out the whole time whether its panning around the room or just looking up at the band it is still in movement. There is also a lot of use of low angle shots.
There are a lot of fast cuts in this video however it blends in well between the shots and you don’t get bored looking at one shot for a while as it is constantly changing.

The lyrics in the song are about people being happy and in love and in the video you see everyone dancing about and enjoying themselves and the band members with a girl which seems like they are in love with. The only relationship between the music and the visuals is just that the music is up beat and happy such as the visuals are and at some times the video does cut to the beat but not all the time. the band are being represented as four young boys who are happy because they are in love in this video, I think the record company are trying to sell this track as being really catchy even if u don’t like the band the song will stick in your head. This video relates to the first video as it is performance based again but also involves a little bit of narrative where as in their first video it was all performance and you didn’t see any other people in the video other than the band. I do believe that even though the artist are dressed in clothes they are still on a sexual display as females are very attracted to this band and even just having a close up of them, females will still watch it just for that. This video is performance based involving a little bit of narrative, it shows the band meeting the girls they are in love with and then just holding them and then it shows them performing on a stage with their girls and other people watching for the rest of the video. I think this promo promoted the bands song pretty well because the song is just a simple catchy song there fore all you need is a simple promo just showing the band and that’s what they have got. I think it will fulfil the expectations of the bands audience as it is much better than their first video and as there are loads of shots of the band the female audience will love it.

Tuesday 10 November 2009


Music video textual analysis 2

1. a) The video I will be analysing is by ‘R.kelly’ and the song is called
‘Trapped in the closet’. It is directed by ‘R.Kelly, Jim Swaffield and
Victor Mignatti.
b) I would say the genre of this music is R&B/ hip hop.

2. a) The location is in a flat in a high building, and another location is in
a closet inside that flat. This is a very unusual place to have a video
shot from a closet. The costume that R.kelly is wearing is a suit
from what the lyrics say I gathered that’s what he was wearing the
night before, and the women is in a dressing gown so they have
obviously slept together. At the start the room is lit up by the rays
from the sun, and then the lighting is just from bedroom lamps and
lights. In the closet it is very dark however the only light used is the
light shining through the gaps in the closet which only shine on his
face which looks very effective.
b) The first shot is very interesting as it zooms out from the view
outside of all the buildings and then comes back in to the room pans
around the room from right to left and then stops when it reaches
the closet and then zooms into the closet all in one whole shot, I
liked this as I have not seen this done before any where else. This
video consists of a range of camera shots from over the shoulder
shots to point of view shots.
c) The pace of the video starts of slow but when it reaches towards the
end it speeds up along with the action and the lyrics.
d) There are no use of special effects in this video.

3. a) From the start of this song right through till the end the lyrics and
the visuals match, whatever R.kelly is saying in the lyrics it is
happening on screen this is why I like this video so much it is
different to any others and is very fascinating to watch as its also
like a movie as well as a music video.

4. a) At some points the music does cut to the beat and at others it don’t I
don’t think there really is any relationship between the music and
the visuals its more about the lyrics and the visuals.
b) There is a solo instrumental at the beginning where the location is
being shown but that’s the only solo there is.
c) The video changes with the pace towards the end when the promo is
reaching its climax, the cuts in the video speed up along with the
lyrics, music and action.

5. a) There are many parts to this song this is only the first part so I think
they are trying to sell this as a whole so if they buy the first part they
will want to buy the rest to see what happens and how things turn
b) In the video we find out that R.kelly has slept with another women
and he also has a wife so he is perceived as being unfaithful to his
wife, also he has a gun in the video so we get the idea he could be a
gangster/ bad boy type, This is generally how other artists like
R.Kelly are also perceived.
c) This video does not relate to any of his previous videos it is totally
different, however the rest of the videos he makes follow on from
this video.
d) There are not any motifs or styles that have been used previously.

6. a) I don’t think the artist is on sexual display in this video, this video
isn’t about that I think the narrative of the story will make people
watch this video.
b) The women is in a dressing gown which I suppose implies sexual
c) There are not any scenes of looking in this video.

7. This video does not really contain any intertextual references and
only relates to the pop videos that carry on this video.

8. a) This video is a mixture of narrative based and performance based
although I would say it is more narrative based. These are combined
together because as R.kelly is performing he is performing the
story out, so its kind of like he is acting in the story while also being
the narrator, which is a very good idea.

9. I think that the promo does promote the artist but not very well I
don’t think the promo was really intended for promotion that much.
I think the audience will really enjoy this video and song and will
end up watching the rest of the parts which is exactly what I had
done when I first saw it. Overall I would say this is a very good
music video and so are the rest of the parts following this video as it
is unique, funny, has lots of twists init and will make you want to
watch to the very end.


Music video textual analysis

1. a) The video I will be analysing is by ‘Kanye West featuring T-pain’ and the song is called ‘Good life’. The director is Mourad Balkeddar.
b) I would say the genre of the music is R&B/ hip hop/rap as the artists involved in this song generally produce this type of genre of music.

2. a) The location is just a white background, the artists are dressed in all black and everything else in the video is in bright colours which stands out more than the two artists.
b) This video has a whole variety of shots, from close ups to long shots, from zooming out to zooming in, from pans to left from right to pans from down to up and moving the camera while zooming out at the same time.
c) The pace of the editing varies throughout the video at some moments it is fast paced and at other times it is slow paced.
d) The main thing that makes this video good are the many uses of different effects, the whole background is basically plain but throughout the whole video the are hardly any scenes where it is plain as it is covered with effects, there is also a lot of use of CGI which make the visual effects more interesting to watch and it is different to most music videos.

3. a) When the artist is singing the lyrics most of the time they appear on the screen in many ways e.g. at one point the lyrics are coming out of his mouth and another time he is writing the lyrics as he is singing them. So there is a very good relationship between the lyrics and visuals as they both intervene with each other very well in this pop promo.

4. a) At some parts in the video the video cuts to the beat
b) There are not any solo instrumental bits which are illustrated by the video
c) At some parts the video does change with the pace, e.g. when it
starts of it’s kind of slow and not much stuff happening and then when it gets in to it there is more action happening in the video.

5. a) The record company are trying to sell this track by hoping that the song will be a catchy tune and remain in the viewers heads along with the video, the video is fun and cheerful so even kids will enjoy it.
b) The image the artist is setting off is that he is happy and enjoying life and repeats ‘welcome to the good life’ many of times this is representing his life and he wants to invite the audience in to it.
c) This video is different to all his other videos so don’t really relate to them.

6. a) I don’t think the artist/s is on sexual display in this video however there are a few scenes which involve attractive women which are not fully clothed, I assume this is for sexual display and also shows that these women are apart of his good life.
b) The costume the women are wearing implies sexualised display because their like wearing a bathing suit so is quite revealing also the way they move is sexy is well.
c) There is one reference to ‘looking’ were the main artist is on the TV.

7. a) There aren’t really any intertextual references in this video accept on one scene there is like a cartoon version of Michael Jackson but that’s it really.

8. I would say that this video is mainly performance based however there is a little bit of narrative, it just illustrates the artists life and what makes it so good.

9. a) The promo promotes the artist quite well
b) I think the audience will be happy with this video because again the artist will please his audience which he generally tends to do a lot so it will fulfil their expectations.
c) I believe that this video is a brilliant pop promo I think the audience will remember the video as it is unique so therefore they will also be able to relate to the song every time they see the video and vice versa. Also it is really fascinating to watch and you can watch it many of times with out getting bored of it unlike some other music videos. That is one good thing about having a video with just performance rather than narrative, because when you watch a video with a narrative you find out what happens in the end so the reason for watching it is gone unless you really like the song.


A music video is a short film or video that accompanies a complete piece of music/song.
A pop promo consists of many different things. The key features of a pop promo are:

• The relationship between the visuals and the music- does the music match what you see on screen? For example if if there are quick edits n fast cuts is there a fast pace of music harmonising what you are seeing. In a music video the visuals will illustrate, amplify or contradict the music.

• The relationship between the visuals and the lyrics- do the lyrics match what you see on screen? For example if the lyrics are saying something bout car crash, do you see a car crash on the video at the same time. Key lines may play a part in the visuals linked with the song however it is very rarely that a music video will simply illustrate the lyrics wholesale. In a music video the visuals again will illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.

• Musical genres- what type of genre is it? Are there any genre characteristics of the music style? Some music genres tend to have their own style of music videos such as in heavy rock music the video usually consist of performance maybe on a live stage, rather than any use of narrative.

• Star image, vehicle, and power- star image: How a star is perceived by the audience, star vehicle: a product constructed around a star its primary purpose is to promote that star, star power: 1. economic power through earnings generated by the sales of product 2. Artistic power 3. Ideological powering terms of their influence upon the audience which may take the form of style or attitude.

• Intertextuality- inertextuality is using something the audience might be familiar with, to generate both nostalgic associations and new meanings. Greater pleasure may be derived to those from the audience who recognise the reference and feel flattered by this.

• How audiences are targeted- the audience is targeted depending on the band or artist and which type of music genre they fit into, for example if it was a boy band who fit into pop music the target audience would probably be about young teenagers bout 13- 16 and maybe mums is well. If the target audience is correct then the pop promo should be successful.

• The promotion of the band/artist- if the band or artist get promoted then they can create better pop promos e.g. they will have more money and more resources and have the experts making their pop promo, so it will look better and would be of higher quality.

• Iconography of the band/ artist- iconography refers to visual motifs that allow audiences to identify certain things.

• Narrative and performance- having an interesting narrative makes a pop promo good because even if people don’t like the song or the band/artist they may still watch the promo to see what happens in it. Some promos don’t involve any performance at all and some pop promos are performance all the way through, rock bands usually tend to have just performance in their promos.

• Voyeurism- voyeurism is the satisfaction you get from watching something such as a film, or music video. Voyeurism is applied in music videos by having either the male or female sex showing off their body and other parts, which creates a gaze from the viewer to what is being displayed on screen.

• Exhibitionism- exhibitionism is what could be termed as the opposite of voyeurism, this is where the more powerful independent female artists by being sexually provocative and inviting a sexualised gaze to the viewers eye. This may be a reason why men watch female artists music videos, especially if the don’t like the song.

• Editing- editing plays a big part in making a decent pop promo, many music videos involve editing but some use more than others. There are also use of the effects and CGI, kanye West ft T-Pain – Good life is an example of a video that uses many different effects I really like this video because it is rather unique, you do not see music videos a lot and its really cool and interesting to watch and is humorous at times is well.

• Cinematography- camera movement may accompany movement of performers (walking, dancing etc) however it may also be used to create a more dynamic feel to stage performance, for instance, by constantly circling the band as they perform on stage. There more variety and complexity of shots the more attractive it is to watch.

• Mis-En-Scene- Mis-En-Scene also plays a huge part in making a music video successful because it covers where the video is set, the costumes the band/artist are wearing, the lighting and many other factors. The setting of the video fits in with narrative is well if there is a narrative to the video then there will usually be various different locations throughout the video on the other hand if the video is performance based then it will most probably be only one location which is likely to be a stage. Costumes fit in with voyeurism and exhibitionism because depending on what the band/artist wear determines whether there will be a ‘gaze’ from the audience.


The first sort of music video was produced in 1894 when Edward B. Marks and Joe Stern hired electrician George Thomas and various performers to promote sales of their song 'The Little Lost Child'. It contained a series of still images projected behind a live performance, this became known as the first music video. Since then as technology for film has developed so has the technology for music videos, bringing you the music videos you see everywhere today.

The main reason for creating pop promos is too promote the artist/band its a form of marketing the song as well as the artist/band however creating a good pop promo is important because if your promo is interesting to watch the audience will watch it more than once and therefore remember the song and the artist which means more sales and more popularity through word of mouth.

Now you can do almost anything in a pop promo as technology has allowed us to do so and its not just the music videos which have developed , the way in which the audience can access the music videos has also developed there are numerous different ways to access and consume music videos whether it’s through TV, iPod/mp3, mobile phone or the internet this shows how much music video have developed from the first one ever made which only contained a series of still images projected behind a live performance.

Monday 12 October 2009


We are being commissioned to produce a promotional package for the release of an album, it must include a music promo video for an album track, together with two of the following three options;
• a website homepage for the band
• a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
• a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)

For the Music Promo video we will need to work in groups consisting of 4 people or less. Each student should explore all the different roles and responsibilities involved in the production however take a responsibility for one specific role. The music video will need to promote the image of the band and reflect the genre, pace and mood of the song.

We will need to consider and mention what sort of institution it would sit in with and the TV channels/ websites the pop promo could be distributed on. We will also need to consider the look and feel of the whole package and make sure that it is a promotional package not 3 entirely separate pieces of promotion.