Tuesday 10 November 2009


Music video textual analysis 2

1. a) The video I will be analysing is by ‘R.kelly’ and the song is called
‘Trapped in the closet’. It is directed by ‘R.Kelly, Jim Swaffield and
Victor Mignatti.
b) I would say the genre of this music is R&B/ hip hop.

2. a) The location is in a flat in a high building, and another location is in
a closet inside that flat. This is a very unusual place to have a video
shot from a closet. The costume that R.kelly is wearing is a suit
from what the lyrics say I gathered that’s what he was wearing the
night before, and the women is in a dressing gown so they have
obviously slept together. At the start the room is lit up by the rays
from the sun, and then the lighting is just from bedroom lamps and
lights. In the closet it is very dark however the only light used is the
light shining through the gaps in the closet which only shine on his
face which looks very effective.
b) The first shot is very interesting as it zooms out from the view
outside of all the buildings and then comes back in to the room pans
around the room from right to left and then stops when it reaches
the closet and then zooms into the closet all in one whole shot, I
liked this as I have not seen this done before any where else. This
video consists of a range of camera shots from over the shoulder
shots to point of view shots.
c) The pace of the video starts of slow but when it reaches towards the
end it speeds up along with the action and the lyrics.
d) There are no use of special effects in this video.

3. a) From the start of this song right through till the end the lyrics and
the visuals match, whatever R.kelly is saying in the lyrics it is
happening on screen this is why I like this video so much it is
different to any others and is very fascinating to watch as its also
like a movie as well as a music video.

4. a) At some points the music does cut to the beat and at others it don’t I
don’t think there really is any relationship between the music and
the visuals its more about the lyrics and the visuals.
b) There is a solo instrumental at the beginning where the location is
being shown but that’s the only solo there is.
c) The video changes with the pace towards the end when the promo is
reaching its climax, the cuts in the video speed up along with the
lyrics, music and action.

5. a) There are many parts to this song this is only the first part so I think
they are trying to sell this as a whole so if they buy the first part they
will want to buy the rest to see what happens and how things turn
b) In the video we find out that R.kelly has slept with another women
and he also has a wife so he is perceived as being unfaithful to his
wife, also he has a gun in the video so we get the idea he could be a
gangster/ bad boy type, This is generally how other artists like
R.Kelly are also perceived.
c) This video does not relate to any of his previous videos it is totally
different, however the rest of the videos he makes follow on from
this video.
d) There are not any motifs or styles that have been used previously.

6. a) I don’t think the artist is on sexual display in this video, this video
isn’t about that I think the narrative of the story will make people
watch this video.
b) The women is in a dressing gown which I suppose implies sexual
c) There are not any scenes of looking in this video.

7. This video does not really contain any intertextual references and
only relates to the pop videos that carry on this video.

8. a) This video is a mixture of narrative based and performance based
although I would say it is more narrative based. These are combined
together because as R.kelly is performing he is performing the
story out, so its kind of like he is acting in the story while also being
the narrator, which is a very good idea.

9. I think that the promo does promote the artist but not very well I
don’t think the promo was really intended for promotion that much.
I think the audience will really enjoy this video and song and will
end up watching the rest of the parts which is exactly what I had
done when I first saw it. Overall I would say this is a very good
music video and so are the rest of the parts following this video as it
is unique, funny, has lots of twists init and will make you want to
watch to the very end.

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