Thursday 29 April 2010


Throughout are pop promo I think we need a variety of different shots so that the audience will enjoy watching it and will find it interesting which makes them less likely to get bored. For the start I think that we should have a shot of the Ipswich train station sign and the n pan down to the characters, so this shot will set the scenery and is an interesting shot to see.

When the characters are walking through town we should do an over the shoulder shot this could be done handheld, and will show us what the character can see as he is walking. Also for the shot in town when the two characters walk past each other I think we should have a mid shot as they walk past but then cut to extreme close ups of their eyes to show the connection and once they have walked past do fast cuts of both of them looking back at each other more than once.

Having the final scene at are college has an advantage because the college has balconies therefore I think that we should put the camera on the balcony and have the shot of the two characters speaking from there, so that the camera will be looking down on them so it will be a point of view shot of someone standing on the balcony, I think this shot isn’t one you would expect to see used to show a conversation between two people which is why I want to use this shot.

For the band footage we should shoot from different angles from low to high and from left to right, also we should have the camera at different heights e.g. the same height as the guitar for a close up.

For some of the band footage we should do some handheld shots as you can experiment with different angles and perspectives of instruments such as a guitar u can hold the camera at the top of the guitar looking down towards the hands stroking the strings as shown in the image.


Journey - Don't stop believing

For our pop promo we are going to have a narrative running right the way through and some performance of the actual band. the lyrics of the song we have chosen are really easy to picture, therefore the narrative will just follow these. the lyrics are......

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

[Instrumental Interlude]

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlights, people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlights, people

fades in from black.

the song has an 18 second intro, for this the band will be shown performing in a variety of shot including close ups, mid shots and long shots.

when the lyrics begin a young girl who is by herself and clearly from a small town walks out of a train station. she looks confused and lonely. she looks around and checks her phone.

5 lines into the verse a young boy is seen leaving the same train station he doesnt look as lonely and confused as the small town girl as hes from the city and has more confidence. they both leave the station seperately

there is then a fairly long instrumental, the band are on screen in various shots as before.

when the lyrics start again, the young boy walks to a bus stop and sits down, a few seconds later the young girl also walks over to the same bus stop and sits down. they catch each others eye and note each other but dont pay too much attention at this point.

this is when the chorus begins and the band are seen performing again in a variety of shots.

when the next verse begins the young girl is walking through town, looking around. it is clear that she is not used to these surroundings. the young boy is also walking through town towards the girl when they pass each other they lock eyes and pay more attention to each other and repeatedly look back at one another.

the chorus then starts and the band is seen again

after one chorus it cuts back to narrative, the girl is sitting at a table alone playing with her phone and drinking coffee. the boy sees her and walks over and sits at the next table he gets her attention and they start to talk and laugh. they eventually leave together.

fades back to the band and they perform the end of the song.

fades to black

Cinematographers (Muhaimin) treatment

Narrative treatment

The scene will start off with a low angle shot looking up at the sky then it will slowly pan down and towards the right, while panning you will see the Ipswich train station sign this will help the audience understand were the location is. Then the camera will pan towards the entrance and a girl will appear presently as the lyrics ‘just a small town girl’ are being played so the video will match the lyric. The 1st shot of her will be a mid shot so we can see the girl and how she is dressed.
Next we see a boy appear from the other entrance just as the lyrics say ‘just a city boy’ as he steps out of the train station we see both of them glance at each other, we will use medium close up shots to show this then we will cut back to the mid shot as the boy walks towards the bench and sits down we follow him as he does this, then we cut back to the girl and as she walks over to the bench, we pan around with her. Then we concentrate on the glances again as the girl sits on the same bench as him.

The next scene is in town centre we will start off with a long shot of the girl walking towards the camera and then switch the camera around and film the boy walking towards the camera from the opposite direction. We will cut between them a few times as they near each other and then we will use a mid shot as they walk past so you can see their facial expressions as well as their body language, after they have walked past we will use close ups of both characters looking back at each other to show that clearly there is some sort of feeling between them.

The final scene will start with a medium long shot of the girl sitting on a chair and a few second in the boy will walk over and sit on the chair next to her , as we are recording this at college we wanted to make the most out of our facilities and as the college has balconies we decided to make full use of this and placed the camera on the first floor balcony and used a high angle shot looking down at the boy and girl speak the audience feel superior at this time as they feel they are watching over the two characters. Finally as they both get up and walk away, the camera still from the balcony pans round and follows them as they walk off in to the distance.

Performance treatment

We are taking two cameras with us to film the band at their rehearsals. The band will perform the song for us four times. We will place both of the cameras at different angles so we can get different views of the band. The second time we will take both cameras off the tripod and get some handheld shots so we can achieve a lot of interesting shots and angles. The third time we will move the cameras closer and have one camera focusing on two members and the other camera focusing on the other two members. The fourth time we will zoom in and zoom out on the members and just get as many different shots as we can without concentrating too much about the rule of thirds or the 180 degree line rule as we think sometimes if the codes and conventions are broken it can make the shots better.


Group production meeting 1

Today was our first group production meeting after we had been put in our groups, in my group was me Hannah and Laura. We decided to base are pop promo on a local band called the Martells and the Martells do covers of songs, and we were given a choice of three songs to choose from, are group decision was to cover the song ‘don’t stop believing’ by journey we all decided on this song as it was a very old song so therefore not many people would have heard it and we also preferred that song than the other choices. We were also delegated are roles me being the cinematographer, Hannah being the art director and Laura being the editor.

Group production meeting 2

In this meeting we broke up the lyrics of the song and decided what we would be filming for that specific part, we also decided a mixture of narrative and performance and also decided on when we would film these scenes.

Group production meeting 3

This was the first time filming our pop promo we got the equipment from college and headed off to our first location which was Ipswich train station when we got there as we walked in to the station we asked the manager if it is possible for us to film on the platform he said it is fine however we have to ring up and arrange a certain date and time of when we would be coming to film so we did not end up filming there on that day but instead of heading back to college we decided to go to our second location and film our second narrative scene which was in Ipswich town centre. We also arranged a date and time to film the band.

Group production meeting 4

We met at the golden hind (a pub in Ipswich) at 6 this is where the band are doing rehearsals so was the perfect opportunity to film the band, we set up two cameras from different angles and got the band to perform ‘don’t stop believing’ four times in as we thought that would be more than enough and give us plenty of footage and shots.

Group production meeting 5

After ringing numerous times we couldn’t get through to the train station offices so instead we decided to just film from the entrance and outside the train station, after finishing this scene we went back to college were we shot our final scene and the location was in the college canteen.
Group production meeting 6

We finally finished all our filming so we started to capture all the footage to the Macs and then start editing it, while editing we found it quite difficult to make each scene as long as wanted as we did not have enough footage.
Group production meeting 7

We managed to sort out the problem of having les footage than we needed by using a slow motion effect and we also started our cd cover.
Group production meeting 8

We finally had our music video finished and our cd cover and also started and finished our magazine advert, so our promotional package was complete.


How long have the band been together? The band have been together since January 2008

What other bands or artists would you say you are similar to? The Martells do covers of various songs, some of the songs they have covered were performed by Journey, Pink Floyd and Ronan Keating

Does the band have a cd? No

Have the band released any pop promos yet? No

How do the band dress when performing? When they perform in pubs they dress in all black but when they perform in social clubs they were bright coloured shirts

How often does the band rehearse? They rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons

Where do the band rehearse?
They rehearse either at Sandys ( the drummer)house or at their local pub The Golden Hind

To get an idea of the audience we decided to complete a questionnaire. there was a problem with asking a variety of ages (as everyone in our class were fairly the same age), so we asked other members of our media class that told us that a young audience may be interested in this music if we made the promotional package interesting and unique.

Age: Sex:

How many pop promos do you view a week?

Have you ever heard of The Martells?

What kind of music do you listen to?

Do you watch pop promos? (If yes, where?)

What do you prefer a music video to have? Narrative or Performance or Both?

Do you like music without lyrics?

we decided that the target audience would be older male majority, but to make the band a success we wanted to open the audience barrier and try to find a way to make it more desirable to a wider audience.

These are some basic ideas about the overall look and feel we want from the video and how we plan to accomplish this.


At the beginning of the song, there is 18.06 seconds of music for this i would like to have a mix of the band playing, it would then cut to the two characters at the train station in the day time. For the small town girl bit the camera will focus on her and then she notices the boy for the part talking about him. The camera will then focus on him. Next they will then both be in a bar and notice each other again in the smokey room, it will then fade to black and come back to the band performing, at 1.55 the band will stop and more narrative will be show until 2.28. the band will then come back in and it will then be flittered between the band and the 2 characters meeting.


The characters will be wearing casual clothing that makes them look like their characters. For example the city boy will be wearing low jeans, jewellery, hoodie. The small town girl will be wearing simple clothes and will look a bit lost.


The location will make both of the characters look uncomfortable and neither of them should look like they are in their comfort zone. It will be what neither of them are used to.


No props are needed for the characters in the pop promo.


For the outside scenes there will be no extra lighting, only natural lighting will be used. For the live band footage artificial lights will be used aswell as the bands own lights to draw peoples attention to them.


By looking at the above (excluding the one of the bridge) pictures the clear and obvious idea for a cd cover is to have a picture of the band on it just like in these pictures, although this is a good way to get the band recognized by faces it wasn’t the most appealing, because if this was in a shop store it wouldn’t really attract anyone, we needed something that was different and eye catching, this idea is the typical kind of cd cover you would expect to see for a band of this age. That’s why I thought we need to go against this typical theme and find something unique.

Furthermore to help me think of an idea I went back to my research of journeys album covers i did earlier as the song we are doing was originally made by them so I thought it would be helpful to look at their cd covers as it represents the same genre, the same kind of band and partly appeals to the same type of audience. When researching them I discovered that all the covers are rather similar and they all contain the same logo and they are also very unique in there cd covers and none of their covers consists of any images of the band.

I wanted are cd cover to be something different and unique is well. Once when I was in my mates car we drove past the bridge in Ipswich I instantly thought maybe this could be involved in are cd cover but then I realised having a picture of just a bridge is too plain and boring then I had an another idea of placing a guitar in the middle of a bridge. I liked this idea because it is very weird, random and mysterious just seeing nothing but a guitar on a bridge this would make the audience confused however they will remember it, this idea also works the other way round we could just have a picture of a guitar and as we was going to be using Photoshop we could place an image of a bridge on top of the guitar. The guitar shows the genre of music however as there is no one in else there it makes the audience wonder to whom the guitar belongs to and from the title they would realise it’s the Martells. A disadvantage of this idea is that the you will not see the band on the front cover therefore they will not be recognised by faces however if the imagery attracts the audience then they will start to be recognized by their name and maybe later on they will start getting recognized by their faces.
Furthermore for the print advert i discovered that most artists/bands tend to have the same image from their cd cover as they do in a print advert i believe this is because it is easier for the audience to relate to one another through the use of an image. I also think we should keep the same image as the cd cover but enlarged to fit half a magazine page and in the corner along with the text we should use an image of the band so they will get recognized from the magazine advert.


We start off with a long shot of the girl walking towards the camera, the girl is wearing a red long dress and has a bow in her hair to show that she is a small town girl so that the video will kind off match the lyrics which will help the audience understand the narrative, as she is getting on to the train there is a medium shot of her.
Next we do the same again with a long shot of the boy walking towards the camera however this time will be in the opposite direction, the boy will be dressed in a jacket and jeans and also wearing a necklace to make him look like a casual city boy,
As the girl gets off the train all you will see are her feet and then the camera will pan up towards her face and will follow as she goes and sits down on a bench, as the boy gets off the train you will only see his face and then the camera will pan down to his feet and follow as he makes his way to the same bench as the girls, as he walks past the girl there will be a point of view shot of him looking at the girl sitting down and vice versa so one will be a high angle and the other a low angle they will also be a medium close up shot focusing on their face to show the beginning of their relationship the way that they look at each other will immediately show the audience that there is some friction between them. Then the will be a two shot of both of them on the bench as they are facing different directions they will be shot from both sides, next there will be an over the shoulder shot of the boy looking at the girl and again vice versa, as the boy gets up and walks off the camera will also track with him and then pan to the girl at the end.
Next there will be a medium close up shot of the boy sitting in the cafe at that point there will be a flashback of when he first saw the girl so therefore it is important that we get a close shot of his face to see his expression to show that he is thinking about her. When the girl is waiting for her drink she is looking at the ceiling also day dreaming about the boy so there will be a close up shot of that. Once the boy is up and walking towards the exit we will have a medium shot so that we can see his eyes focusing on his phone, and as the girl gets her drink we will use the same shot to show the same situation as the both of them collide there will be a two shot and then a close up of the drink spilling down the girl. When they are sitting at the cafe chatting the will be a range of shots focusing on the two however the will be a couple of high angle shots focusing on each of their hands that are on the table nearing together as the conversation develops as well their feelings. So at the end of the conversation both of their hands will be touching.


I think that are pop promo should include both performance and a narrative as variety is always good and more attractive 2 watch, these type of videos are also my favourite as they are more interesting and in the situation we are in with the band and the song it is the best suited for our promo. The song we have chosen is ‘Don’t stop believing’ by Journey, the song’s lyrics is a narrative itself about a boy and a girl therefore I believe are video will look good if it matched the lyrics at some point, however because our band are not well known it is also important we include the band in the video so it will build up their popularity as people will become familiar with them.

The video starts off with a girl getting on the train, then the next scene is off the boy getting on to a train is well, next we see both of the characters get off at the same place, the girl goes sits on a bench then the boy is going to go sit on the same bench as he is about to do so he walks past the girl and can’t help but look at here the girl is also doing the same they both stare at each other as he walks around her and sits on the other side of the bench, the period he is sitting down on they both exchanger a few more glances until finally the boy gets up and walks off but has a final look back at the girl.= as his walking off.
Next we see the boy in a cafe having a drink once his finished the girl arrives at the cafe and orders a drink, then the boy gets up and walks towards the exit looking at his phone just as the girl receives her drink she turns around to find a seat and they both collide making the girl spill the drink all over her, the boy apologizes and takes her to a table and sits her down while he goes and buys her another drink he also joins her, the two begin talking for a while and then end up leaving the cafe together, we see their relationship develop as they are sitting in the park talking, and then we see them walk in to the cinema, at the cinema they are cuddled up watching the film and by the end of the video they both spend the night together in a hotel.


The band Journey were formed in 1973, journey had many concerts and tours they had many hits and many albums they were very successful, which allowed them to release an album with just there greatest hits. They have been known for three decades now and have become one of the biggest and one of the most successful bands ever.

When Journey first started I believe there audience was people of their age and in to soft rock music however as the years progressed and journeys popularity increased so has the audience age range. Journey have created some songs that will just stick in your head even if you don’t like the band or their genre of music there will still be a song that will just stay in your head and sooner or later you will learn to like them.