Thursday 29 April 2010


Journey - Don't stop believing

For our pop promo we are going to have a narrative running right the way through and some performance of the actual band. the lyrics of the song we have chosen are really easy to picture, therefore the narrative will just follow these. the lyrics are......

Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere

A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night

[Instrumental Interlude]

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlights, people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlights, people

fades in from black.

the song has an 18 second intro, for this the band will be shown performing in a variety of shot including close ups, mid shots and long shots.

when the lyrics begin a young girl who is by herself and clearly from a small town walks out of a train station. she looks confused and lonely. she looks around and checks her phone.

5 lines into the verse a young boy is seen leaving the same train station he doesnt look as lonely and confused as the small town girl as hes from the city and has more confidence. they both leave the station seperately

there is then a fairly long instrumental, the band are on screen in various shots as before.

when the lyrics start again, the young boy walks to a bus stop and sits down, a few seconds later the young girl also walks over to the same bus stop and sits down. they catch each others eye and note each other but dont pay too much attention at this point.

this is when the chorus begins and the band are seen performing again in a variety of shots.

when the next verse begins the young girl is walking through town, looking around. it is clear that she is not used to these surroundings. the young boy is also walking through town towards the girl when they pass each other they lock eyes and pay more attention to each other and repeatedly look back at one another.

the chorus then starts and the band is seen again

after one chorus it cuts back to narrative, the girl is sitting at a table alone playing with her phone and drinking coffee. the boy sees her and walks over and sits at the next table he gets her attention and they start to talk and laugh. they eventually leave together.

fades back to the band and they perform the end of the song.

fades to black

Cinematographers (Muhaimin) treatment

Narrative treatment

The scene will start off with a low angle shot looking up at the sky then it will slowly pan down and towards the right, while panning you will see the Ipswich train station sign this will help the audience understand were the location is. Then the camera will pan towards the entrance and a girl will appear presently as the lyrics ‘just a small town girl’ are being played so the video will match the lyric. The 1st shot of her will be a mid shot so we can see the girl and how she is dressed.
Next we see a boy appear from the other entrance just as the lyrics say ‘just a city boy’ as he steps out of the train station we see both of them glance at each other, we will use medium close up shots to show this then we will cut back to the mid shot as the boy walks towards the bench and sits down we follow him as he does this, then we cut back to the girl and as she walks over to the bench, we pan around with her. Then we concentrate on the glances again as the girl sits on the same bench as him.

The next scene is in town centre we will start off with a long shot of the girl walking towards the camera and then switch the camera around and film the boy walking towards the camera from the opposite direction. We will cut between them a few times as they near each other and then we will use a mid shot as they walk past so you can see their facial expressions as well as their body language, after they have walked past we will use close ups of both characters looking back at each other to show that clearly there is some sort of feeling between them.

The final scene will start with a medium long shot of the girl sitting on a chair and a few second in the boy will walk over and sit on the chair next to her , as we are recording this at college we wanted to make the most out of our facilities and as the college has balconies we decided to make full use of this and placed the camera on the first floor balcony and used a high angle shot looking down at the boy and girl speak the audience feel superior at this time as they feel they are watching over the two characters. Finally as they both get up and walk away, the camera still from the balcony pans round and follows them as they walk off in to the distance.

Performance treatment

We are taking two cameras with us to film the band at their rehearsals. The band will perform the song for us four times. We will place both of the cameras at different angles so we can get different views of the band. The second time we will take both cameras off the tripod and get some handheld shots so we can achieve a lot of interesting shots and angles. The third time we will move the cameras closer and have one camera focusing on two members and the other camera focusing on the other two members. The fourth time we will zoom in and zoom out on the members and just get as many different shots as we can without concentrating too much about the rule of thirds or the 180 degree line rule as we think sometimes if the codes and conventions are broken it can make the shots better.

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