Thursday 29 April 2010


Group production meeting 1

Today was our first group production meeting after we had been put in our groups, in my group was me Hannah and Laura. We decided to base are pop promo on a local band called the Martells and the Martells do covers of songs, and we were given a choice of three songs to choose from, are group decision was to cover the song ‘don’t stop believing’ by journey we all decided on this song as it was a very old song so therefore not many people would have heard it and we also preferred that song than the other choices. We were also delegated are roles me being the cinematographer, Hannah being the art director and Laura being the editor.

Group production meeting 2

In this meeting we broke up the lyrics of the song and decided what we would be filming for that specific part, we also decided a mixture of narrative and performance and also decided on when we would film these scenes.

Group production meeting 3

This was the first time filming our pop promo we got the equipment from college and headed off to our first location which was Ipswich train station when we got there as we walked in to the station we asked the manager if it is possible for us to film on the platform he said it is fine however we have to ring up and arrange a certain date and time of when we would be coming to film so we did not end up filming there on that day but instead of heading back to college we decided to go to our second location and film our second narrative scene which was in Ipswich town centre. We also arranged a date and time to film the band.

Group production meeting 4

We met at the golden hind (a pub in Ipswich) at 6 this is where the band are doing rehearsals so was the perfect opportunity to film the band, we set up two cameras from different angles and got the band to perform ‘don’t stop believing’ four times in as we thought that would be more than enough and give us plenty of footage and shots.

Group production meeting 5

After ringing numerous times we couldn’t get through to the train station offices so instead we decided to just film from the entrance and outside the train station, after finishing this scene we went back to college were we shot our final scene and the location was in the college canteen.
Group production meeting 6

We finally finished all our filming so we started to capture all the footage to the Macs and then start editing it, while editing we found it quite difficult to make each scene as long as wanted as we did not have enough footage.
Group production meeting 7

We managed to sort out the problem of having les footage than we needed by using a slow motion effect and we also started our cd cover.
Group production meeting 8

We finally had our music video finished and our cd cover and also started and finished our magazine advert, so our promotional package was complete.

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